Demonstration of Illinois Professional Teaching Standards
2. Human Development and
Learning: The teacher understands how individuals grow, develop and learn and provides learning opportunities that support the intellectual, social, and personal development of all students. |
I have two different papers in this section.
How Do Seventh Graders Decide Whether Something is Alive or Not?
(Understanding Students' Misconceptions)
C&I 301 S
Introduction to Teaching Science in a Diverse Society
Stacy Valla & Jen Conroy
Fouad Abd-El-Khalick
5 November 2001
This study investigated childrens conceptions of what makes something living or not living. It is important as educators, especially in the biology classroom, to understand students misconceptions and previous notions about life. We expected them to be able to identify living things, but not necessarily able to explain why the object was living or not living.
In this study, we interviewed 4 students. Two students were male, and two were female. All of the students were in the seventh grade, but were not asked their age. Students will be referred to in this report by the order in which they were interviewed. Student #1 was female. Student #2 was male. Student #3 was female. Student # 4 was male. A teacher in their school referred the students to us. On a side note, we feel that the teacher may have gone out of his/her way to select students s/he felt would give the right answers.
Below is a condensed version of the data sheet used
during interviews. Each interview took approximately
twenty minutes. All of the interviews were conducted
in the teachers lounge of the school. We were
generally undisturbed, but occasionally teachers would walk
through the lounge. Each student was interviewed in a
similar environment. Stacy interviewed students #1 and #3 while
Jen recorded their answers. Jen interviewed students
#2 and #4 while Stacy recorded their responses. There was a
general question at the beginning and the end of the interview.
The bulk of the interview consisted of showing students pictures
of objects, having them classify the object as alive or not
alive, and then giving reasons for their answer.
Interview questions:
How do you decide whether or not something is alive?
Look at each of the pictures and decide if thing you see there is alive or not alive.
Click here to see the actual pictures that we showed the students.
Name of thing |
Alive or not alive |
How did you decide that this is alive/
not alive? |
Television | |
Cat | |
Herbaceous plants | |
Wind | |
Eggs | |
Fire | |
Butterfly | |
Air | |
Seeds | |
Clouds | |
River | |
Fish | |
Train | |
Tree | |
Sun | |
Mushroom | |
What do you mean when you
say something is alive?
Below is a modified version of the data collection sheet to summarize the data collected. Attached in the appendix are the original interview notes. Student answers will be summarized in this section. General ideas will be documented, along with deviations from these general ideas.
In general, students thought that if something is breathing and/or growing it is alive. Students generally said that they just know whether or not something is alive. They do not have to think about it, they just know.
Look at each of the pictures and decide if thing you see there is alive or not alive.
Name of thing |
Students who thought the thing was alive |
Students who thought the thing
was not alive |
Generalized responses of why
students thought what they did. |
Television | |
#1, #2, #3, #4 | Does not breathe, manmade, made by humans. |
Cat | #1, #2, #3, #4 | |
Moves, breathes, not man made, grows, can think and react, eats, can move without batteries |
Herbaceous plants | #1, #2, #3, #4 | |
Grows, make its own food, it is natural, it just is |
Wind | |
#1, #2, #3, #4 | It does not breathe, does not require nutrition, it is just O2 (student had no clue what O2 was), it is just a current of air, will go away after a while |
Eggs | #1, #2, #3, #4 | |
There was a general trend of hesitation
before they answered the question. Common answers
include: · Something is growing inside · Outside is not alive · Once it hatches it is more alive · Something is living if it comes from something alive · #4 thought that it is organic (which he said means that it has biological components) · #2 said that they were sentient, and that there is debate over whether they are truly alive or not, but personally he thinks that they are alive, no one is for sure though. |
Fire | |
#1, #2, #3, #4 | Does not breathe, does not think, it is a chemical reaction, not part of the food chain, it just is not alive because it is just not alive, it does not fit the rules of being alive. |
Butterfly | #1, #2, #3, #4 | |
It can move, it can think, it eats, it drinks, it is an insect and insects are alive |
Air | We chose not to replicate this question in our study. It was difficult to find a picture representing air, and we thought that it was too closely related to wind. | ||
Seeds | #1 and #3 | #2 and #4 | There was a general trend of hesitation
among all students before they would decide whether it
was alive or not. Common responses from students #1 and #3 · It is just a little tree inside and trees are alive · It needs water and food · It grows into a plant or a tree Common responses from students #2 and #4 · #2it is the product of something alive (like hair and hair is not alive) · #4 it was alive when attached to the tree, but it fell off of the tree and is no longer green so it is no longer alive |
Clouds | |
#1, #2, #3, #4 | They dont need food or water, they are just water floating in the air, they are just water and water is not alive, they are not produced by something in particular |
River | |
#1, #2, #3, #4 | Made of water and water is not alive, it cannot think, does not need nutrition, living things live in it but it itself is not alive |
Fish | #1, #2, #3, #4 | |
Needs food and water, part of the food chain, can breathe and move and think, it can be a pet and pets are alive (except for rocks) |
Train | |
#1, #2, #3, #4 |
Manmade, does not need food or water, cannot breathe, cannot think for itself |
Tree | #1, #2, #3, #4 | |
Needs food and water, it can grow, naturally made, needs things that other living things need, part of the food chain, self sufficient, #4 said, It is a plant and plants are alive, because I said so. |
Sun | |
#1, #2, #3, #4 | ·
Does not need food, water or air · Not in the food chain · #2 said that it, had a birth and will have a death but is not alive · Cannot grow · It is just burning gas and that is not alive · It is in space and things cannot live in space · It is a star |
Mushroom | #1, #2, #3, #4 | |
It can eat and grow, it can defend itself, part of food chain, breathes, does what other living things do, it is the same as a tree and trees are alive, it can reproduce |
What do you mean when you
say something is alive?
Something that is alive needs water, food, and air to breathe. It is part of the food chain. Something that is alive can move and grow. Something that is alive is not manmade, it is made naturally. Student #2 said, It fits certain guidelines about what is alive that have been given to me throughout my life.
of results:
feel that the students did well in classifying the pictures as
living or not living. There was only one picture, of the
seeds, where students had discrepant views of whether the object
was alive or not alive. Seeds are generally understood to
be alive. The students who thought the seeds were not alive
contradicted general scientific consensus, but students gave
reasonable evidence for their conclusions. They knew that
seeds come from a living thing, and were once alive, so they were
on the right track. The students could not necessarily put
into words, why something was alive or not alive, but they knew
what was alive and not alive. They wanted to give answers
like, it just is, or that is what I was
told, rather than having knowledge, which could really give
definite reasons for their answers. Students #2 and #4 both
used the word sentient during their interviews.
Neither boy understood what the word meant, but they had learned
this word either in class, or had heard other adults use it.
They knew that it was related to living things, but could not
give a solid definition for the word. They had some general
reasons that qualify something as living, such as: eating,
breathing, needing water and growing. One good reason that
some things were classified as not alive was that they were
manmade. Manmade things are not alive.
This topic was picked because students had learned about it the previous year. From their responses it seems that they only learned what they needed for the test. No students mentioned the life processes, which they had spent months learning about. The students seemed to pick up buzzwords, like sentient, that they needed to know to impress the teacher, rather than understanding the concepts. It was very interesting that our teacher went above and beyond to get us the students who would give the best answers. This did not seem to be the case, students did not bring in anything that they had spent months learning about the previous year, they seemed to retain their previous notions that they had started with.
As educators, we need to teach concepts before we even touch on
vocabulary. Students seem to pick up on the words
that they need to memorize to get a good grade, rather than
understanding the concepts that are much more important to grasp.
We also cannot take for granted that students will bring correct
previous knowledge with them into the classroom. As
educators, we need to assess what ideas students are bringing
with them into the classroom, and address these ideas, in order
to bring all students up to the same level, before we even begin
to start teaching. If half the class thinks that
seeds are alive, and half of the class thinks that seeds are not
alive, we may need to address that idea before we talk about how
plants grow from seeds. We also think that we cannot take
for granted that students are going to be interested in what we
are teaching, we have to make the content seem interesting, so
that students will be motivated to learn. If we can take
these ideas with us into the classroom, hopefully we will become
excellent educators.
In order to teach a class something new, it is good
to know what the students already know about the subject. More
than that, it is very important to understand what the students think
they know about that topic. Rosalind Driver brings up this
idea and many others in her book Constructivist Approaches to
Science Teaching. Not every child learns and thinks in
the same way, but there are some broad generalizations of how
knowledge is acquired. Children learn things individually,
in groups of their peers, and from adults and teachers. These
ideas of how children learn do not come as a surprise to many
people, yet they can be easily overlooked when teaching. Understanding
how children learn is an imperative part of teaching. As an
educator, one should try to put themselves into the childs
frame of mind while balancing their own mindset and teaching
goals on the topic at hand.
Children come into school with preconceived notions
of how things in the world work. Students
conceptions, or as Driver defines them knowledge
schemes, often spawn from curiosity. Students of all
ages have numerous sensory experiences, both in and outside of
school, which help them build knowledge schemes. One of
Drivers examples is that children have a scheme of physics
simply from playing ball. They may not know that math or
logic behind it, but they understand how to move to catch the
ball when it is thrown at different angles and speeds. Educators
should recognize this knowledge and build upon it in the
Knowledge schemes can also come from things that kids have been told by their parents or other adults. In my observation experience, a sixth grade student raised his hand and said: My mom told me that you can die from the hiccups. Is that true? This is a seemingly logical idea based on something that the students mother had told him.
This question did not cause a problem in the class discussion, yet it has the potential to do so. It is important to be prepared to react to questions like this in the classroom. Especially in science, parents can pass incorrect or biased knowledge on to their children.
Anything from simply telling them an outdated explanation of biotechnology to telling them that the theory of evolution is completely false will affect a students schemes. Educators need to be aware of, and sensitive to this. It is important not to make the parent look incompetent, but at the same time, educate the students on the topic at hand. Parents also pass on correct knowledge to their children. This is a way that students may have some good previous knowledge to fall back on.
Driver uses the understanding of how children learn to enhance classroom learning. Students learning things for themselves through observation and investigation has been discussed, but there are some things that the students cannot learn for themselves. There is also something that Driver calls: The Culture of Science. Individual and group learning is an effective way to teach. Especially in the field of science, it is generally more interesting and effective for the student to investigate and learn things for him or herself or with peers. Individual and group investigation and discussion are great teaching tools, but even with the best and brightest students, it cannot tell them everything that they need to know. There is a lot of terminology and common conventions about science that are important for the students to know to be scientifically literate in society. The terminology is a societal norm that allows everyone to be able to discuss science on the same terms. This is information that the teacher will pass on to the student simply because the student would not be able to discover it on their own.
It is imperative to understand how students learn
and to implement those tactics in the classroom setting. This
sounds easy, but educators must realize that all students learn
in different ways. There are some general ideas on how
knowledge is gained, such as individually, in groups of peers,
and from authority figures. An even balance of these
approaches to leaning should be used in the classroom. This
will allow for all the students to become involved and for them
to all learn through investigation and learn the culture of
science. The teacher must draw the line between letting the
students find out for themselves and telling them all the
information. These two must be in balance for both the
student and the teacher to get the most out of their experience