Philosophy of Technology in
Education As a
future educator, it is my duty to help students
to learn as much as they can. I may be a
biology teacher, but my teaching doesnt
have to end simply with biology. I feel
that in this day and age, it is imperative to
understand technology, especially computers.
I feel that the use of computers and the Internet
will help both myself as an educator and the
students learn both science and technology.
computers and the Internet can help to make the
classroom more interesting to the students.
They can do anything from a virtual from
dissection to a research project about the
rainforests. There are so many resources to
help the students so that they can find things
out for themselves without me telling them.
This will allow students to be inquisitive and at
the same time to be resourceful and take
initiative to learn for themselves.
While the
computers will help the students out in the
classroom, they can also be a wonderful resource
for teachers. There are hundreds of web
sites that have lesson plans, demo ideas, and
homework worksheets. This allows for less
time coming up with ideas for class, and more
time actually preparing the lesson by the
teacher. This should relieve some stress in
the teachers busy schedule, while at the
same time, improving the quality of his or her
class time.
is a wonderful addition to traditional teaching,
but there is a limit to its helpfulness. The
computer should not be the focal point of the
class. Computers cannot take the place of
students actually working in the lab and going
outside and seeing the world around them. As
an educator, I hope to find a balanced mix of
many different teaching methods. This will
allow me to reach more students and also keep
them more interested rather than doing the same
thing everyday. Also, the Internet can
contain some false information. I would
make sure that the students were looking at
reputable web sites.
Who knows
what the twenty-first century will bring to
science and technology. I will do my best
to make sure that my students are being taught
the most current ideas in science by utilizing
the most current technologies. This will
keep the student scientifically literate in our
changing world. It will also allow the
students to work and better understand the
technologies that they will be surrounded by in
their adult lives. With the proper
precautions taken, computers and the Internet can
be a positive addition to any classroom. I
hope that I have the resources available in my
classroom to give the students the best science
and overall education that I possibly can.