Student Specific Aide, Pinckney
Elementary School, Mount Pleasant, SC. I am
the shadow for a kindergarten student with down syndrome
in a mainstream classroom. My responsibilities
include getting the student to his special classes
including special education resource, speech, motor
therapy, and reading. I also help the student with
speech, reading, writing, cutting and other motor
skills. I modify some of the classroom assignments
to suit his needs and have continual communication with
the students parents in tracking and improving his
progress. I also have the opportunity to help out
other students in both the special education and regular
education classes as an extra teacher in the
classroom. Oct 1, 2003 - Present.
Teacher, Jefferson Middle
School, Champaign, IL. I was the
student teacher for Mr. Stan Bergman, a
middle school science and math teacher. I
taught both science and math to his 6th
graders. I assumed full responsibility
for three 6th grade science classes (one
being a co-taught class with an abundance
of special education students) and one
6th grade advanced math class. I attended
all staff meetings and was involved in
organizing a school-wide program to help
save the rainforests. Mar 17, 2003 - May
9, 2003.
Teacher, Danville High
School, Danville, IL. I was the
student teacher for Mrs. Shelley Barker,
a high school biology teacher. I taught
Human Life Science to lower level
freshmen and sophomores and also Honors
Biology to freshmen. I assumed full
responsability for two Human Life Science
classes, one Honors Biology class, and
one homeroom period. I attended
parent/teacher conferences and all staff
meetings. Jan 27, 2003 - Mar 14, 2003.
Advisor, Housing Division of
the University of Illinois at
Urbana/Champaign. I was a residential
assistant and advisor to 50 women on the
12th floor of Oglesby Hall. I served as
the leader of the floor by planning
programs and distributing pertinent
information. I mediated conflicts and
helped to advise the ladies academically.
I also completed paperwork and reported
the status of my floor to my advisor
weekly. Aug 2001 - May 2002.
Shadow, Waubonsie Valley
High School, Aurora, IL. I shadowed a
high school biology and genetics teacher.
I interacted with her students as well as
presented a mini lesson for 3 genetics
classes on an upcoming laboratory
experiment. Jan 8-11, 2001.
Employed by Mr. and Mrs. James Ambrose,
Naperville, IL. I was responsible for
three children ages five, seven, and
nine. I administered a thirty minute
learning time each day where
I helped teach each child how to read and
write at their appropriate level. June -
Aug 2000 & 2001.
Aide, Waubonsie Valley
High School, Aurora, IL. I was an aide
for my Biology teacher. I was required to
grade papers, set up lab experiments,
organize class information and materials,
and inventory a biology laboratory.
Junior and senior years of high
school 1997 - 1999.
PlayPlace Ranger, Naperwest
McDonalds, Naperville, IL. I was
responsible for organizing and
supervising a weekly arts and crafts
night for children at the restaurant. I
helped children of all ages with their
projects. Nov 1996 - Aug 2000.